Export Award was Given to Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkiye

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Ranking in 8th place among 1000 exporter companies in 2014, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey (TMMT) was seen worth awarding as a result of evaluation by Turkey’s Exporters Association TMMT realized 1 billion 813 million USD export in 2014, increasing the amount by 24% compared with the previous year. As one of the companies who ranked in the top 10, TMMT President & CEO Mr.Orhan Özer received the award from Turkish President Mr.Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Expressing his gladness about company’s contribution to Turkiye’s 2023 target, TMMT President & CEO Mr.Orhan Özer said, “Turkiye is outstanding production base for a lot of world giant auto makers. I’m really glad to be seen worthy for this award. With investment incentive certificate which we got last year, we will continue to contribute to Sakarya and the country.”