Partnership protocol was signed between ISKUR, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkiye, Toyota Boshoku Turkiye and Yazaki Kuzuluk

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A protocol agreement was signed between Toyota Motor manufacturing Turkiye (TMMT), Toyota Boshoku Turkiye, Yazaki Kuzuluk and Turkish Government Employment Promoting Agency (ISKUR), which provides working opportunity to 4 thousands people. Specialized workforce development, which is needed for automotive sector, will be realized with “Specialized Vocational Centers (UMEM) Project”. Holding protocol signing ceremony with attendance of Labor and Social Security Minister Mr.Süleyman Soylu, the partnership will add value to the region.
In the framework of UMEM project, in which approximately 3 thousands people will have theorical and practical training in vocational and technical high schools in Sakarya for 4 weeks, training and material expenses will be met by ISKUR. After trainings at schools, trainees will have on-the-job-training for 5 months, which will be followed by recruitment.
TMMT President & CEO Mr.Hiroshi Kato emphasized the fact that qualified workforce are provided to companies thanks to partnership with ISKUR. “This workforce contributes to our production volume increase and approach to high quality. We will always continue this partnership. I would like to express my gratitude to Minister Mr.Soylu, ISKUR General Directorate and related officials”, President Kato said.
1,300 TL will be paid to trainees in a month basis during ISKUR program and health insurance premium will be also provided by the agency. TMMT searches for candidates who at least graduated from high school, while for Toyota Boshoku it’s junior high school and for Yazaki it’s elementary school.